Ari’s 2021 Mantra

2020 has taught me two things: One, if people do not want to be bothered with you, leave them alone, and second, people love saying they respect you in your face, but when they get the chance, they will take digs at you. For 2021, I made a mantra for myself, and if you feelContinue reading “Ari’s 2021 Mantra”

The Happiest Ever

I’ve been feeling down for a while due to the sun setting at 4 PM, on top of just being Bipolar and anxious. I decided that I did not want to be down anymore, so I started watching my wedding video. If I had to pick a day that I felt the happiest, my weddingContinue reading “The Happiest Ever”

2 Something in the Morning

I am not feeling my best right now, so it only fits to spread positivity to myself and others. Here are ten affirmations I use when I am feeling out of it during my depressive episodes. I possess the qualities needed to be successful. I am a work in progress, and that’s okay. I chooseContinue reading “2 Something in the Morning”

Trying to Forgive

Hi Daddy, This letter has been a long time coming, but I want to say that I forgive you. I forgive you for not knowing what I needed from you as my father. I forgive you for losing sight of me and not realizing that you were hurting me. I forgive you for unknowingly choosingContinue reading “Trying to Forgive”


Ari, I am sorry that I have been hard on you. I did not realize how pushing you to pass your limits would make you cry. You are smart, and doubting you were the worst thing I could do to you. You do not deserve to hear the harsh words I say to you. YouContinue reading “Forgiveness”

Words of Encouragement to Self

Hi Ari, I know that the last two months have been tough for you but know that we will get through it. We don’t have to be perfect. We are fine the way we are. I know you feel that we should be on at all times; however, we are not a performer. We deserveContinue reading “Words of Encouragement to Self”


How hard is it for you to say no? If you are like me, saying no feels like slapping someone in the face. Saying no makes me feel guilty even when I have a reason to say it. So what do you do? Should you say yes forever? Well, I have a list we canContinue reading “NO.”

10 Things I Need to Stop Worrying About

Writing this list was hard for me because worrying has become like second nature to me. Hopefully, by writing this list, I can help not only myself with worrying but help whoever reads this. Stop worrying about things that are outside of your control. You can only handle what you can touch. Stop worrying aboutContinue reading “10 Things I Need to Stop Worrying About”

Dear 20 Something Ari

Hey Girl, Right now, I am sure you are writing your fifth 10-year goals list, hoping that 30 never comes for you. Well, sis, it’s coming sooner than you think. But guess what? You do not have to have it all together before 30 comes. You are at a place where making mistakes should notContinue reading “Dear 20 Something Ari”

Alone at Last

When I am depressed, I find myself pulling away from people that I usually like being around. Most people have told me that if you are alone when you are dealing with something, it will only make you feel worst. That’s not always true. I know for me, being alone helps me handle whatever issuesContinue reading “Alone at Last”

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