A Little Pick Me Up for Little Ari

Hey Little Ari!   I know this week has been rough for you, but I wanted to write you something that will put a smile on your face. I hope these words will make you realize that you are loved and valued. Little Ari, you are allowed to cry about losing something that you wanted.Continue reading “A Little Pick Me Up for Little Ari”

Come Follow Me 🌟☺️

The Shift

“We delight in the beauty of the butterfly, but rarely admit the changes it has gone through to achieve that beauty.” — Maya Angelou Going into my 35th year this year, I noticed that I have been shifting a lot in the past two years. And this shift that is taking place is not pleasant.Continue reading “The Shift”

Come Follow Me 🌟☺️


Rooting For the Girl in the Mirror

Hey Girl,I know that we are on month three of finding your new path, but I want to tell you that I am still behind you. You have everything that you need to make an impact wherever you go. Do not let that nasty thought of you not being good enough because that is notContinue reading “Rooting For the Girl in the Mirror”

Gaining Patience

Hi. My name is Ari, and I have no patience (Hi Ari). Seriously, I never had any patience. My Mama said that as a child, I always wanted to rush things along to check it off to say that I did it. So now, as a 34-year-old woman trying to unlearn this horrible habit isContinue reading “Gaining Patience”

Note to Self

Hey Ari, I am proud of you. Even though the past two months have not been the best for you, you are still standing. Thank you for not giving up because it has been challenging. I know that you have been down, but you were never out. In these couple of months, you learned thatContinue reading “Note to Self”

2022 Rules

Listen up 2022! You just got here, so I need you to play nice, okay? I have some pointers, so you know how to handle yourself around me. 1. Do not bring up past issues. 2. Stay consistent. 3. Stay in the moment. 4. If you cannot get it done today, chill. We still haveContinue reading “2022 Rules”

What Not to Say

There are days that I cannot stop myself from speaking badly about myself. I will dump some of the rudest things that I say to myself to erase them from my mind. Please note that I do not want anyone using these horrible statements. • Your goals are not obtainable • You are lazy •Continue reading “What Not to Say”

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